Goal planning tips and tricks for the rest of 2020

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I'm a very big believer in goals, but I'm also a big believer in only doing what you can manage. However, I feel like you can manage a lot more than you think! Particularly if you plan well. 


Each year I tend to plan out around 12 goals, ranging in size and focus, and year after year I learn more about making goals and actually achieving goals! After 2018 and barely achieving any I decided to make my goals a bit vaguer for 2019. 

But you know what? I still didn't achieve all my goals that year... and that's totally fine! I did manage 8 out of 12 after all that but instead for 2020, I've made them clearer but simpler. 

The journey of planning and setting goals is going to be unique to every person, there’s no one size fits all approach to it. Some tips I do have though is to keep it simple, don’t go over the top, don’t plan to do all the things you want to do in a lifetime. Restrict the number of goals to a realistic number, and if you’re having bigger goals have fewer of them. 

Checking in

This trial and error process is a major part of goal setting. Seeing what works for you and what doesn't. There's no point setting heaps of goals for the year and losing track and therefore not completing any of them. Constantly checking in to see how you are going throughout the year is key. Plus looking and keeping track of the steps you need to take in order to achieve them.

Some of my personal goals are easy to track and plan the steps forward. Reading 50 books a year is simple to track, tick the books off the list then read more until I reach 50. Some others, however, aren't as easy but taking the time to figure out the steps forward is super important! This way you can break it down into months, weeks and even days to know what tasks you need to have done by a certain time in order to reach your goal. 

Keep yourself accountable; tell your friends, tell your social media feed. Let them know what you’re hoping to achieve and they may be able to keep you on track!


Do it yourself

I made this goal planning worksheet for my email newsletter subscribers for July, but I’ve decided to share it with everyone in the hopes it helps you plan the rest of the year. 

Take your goals for the second half of the year and plan out the tasks needed to achieve those goals. There’s also space to note down any TV shows or books you want to get around to before December 31st so you don’t forget.


If you do use the planner let me know how you get on! Either comment down below or DM me on Instagram @Sofillyletters

- Sophie

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