Goals and intentions for 2022

This year I’ve made less goals than I would usually do. Before Christmas I hit major burnout and was majorly stressed, so over the break I reevaluated my plans and realised I needed to be realistic with my goals this year. 

Aims for the year

My aim is to work smarter, not harder. I want to focus on being kinder to myself. Of course, I’m still going to be working on my wee business and working hard in my new position at work, but I also need to focus on other things in life. This year I need to plan my wedding, which will be a lot of work. We're also planning on getting a puppy really soon who will also need a lot of time and attention. So realistically I won’t have as much time to do things as I usually plan for.

I want to spend my free time focusing on the things I really want to achieve during 2022, but I also want to allow myself to relax and refresh and spend time doing things that make me happy but may not be all that productive.


Reading is one of my hobbies that really helps me to relax and take my mind off everything else going on in life, so this year I still have my Goodreads reading goal. I have made it a tiny bit smaller than last year when I’d usually do the opposite, but 50 books seems realistic. I can do 50 books. Technically I’ve already done three and it’s only halfway through January so we’re well on track. 

Another goal I’ve kept but made significantly smaller is writing these blog posts. At the beginning of 2021 I was aiming for one a week, then part way through the year I changed that to once a fortnight and now for 2022 I want to aim for one a month. If I can do more that’s awesome, but setting a lower goal brings less stress into my life. I love writing these posts and connecting with you all, but I need to be realistic about how much time they actually take to plan, write, and organise. 

Alongside that I really want to keep up with my monthly newsletter. At one point last year I tried doing one main monthly email and some smaller emails during the month, it was too much on top of everything else. I want to aim for quality over quantity this year. Focus on less things but make those things really good! This year I have plans for monthly themes so make sure you’re subscribed to get the first newsletter of 2022 in the first week of February! 

Last year I started studying towards a Certificate of Business focusing on Small Business. With everything else going on I’m only doing this one paper at a time but this year I should be able to finish and get my certificate! I managed really good grades last year so I’m hoping to continue that into 2022. 

The only other goals I have are some products I’d like to do this year. These should be simple enough to achieve, but I wanted to write them down so I focus on these rather than getting shiny object syndrome and start planning out a million projects before moving onto the next one without achieving anything. 

This list may seem like a lot, but technically compared to the previous years, six goals is much less to achieve and much more realistic for me to achieve. If this helps me be less stressed this year then it’s worth it! 

Do you have any goals for the year? How are you feeling about them?

- Sophie

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