A note to 2023
Dear 2023.
The past year was meant to be for being kinder to myself, that was my intention for 2022. It was for getting stuck into work and goals but also allowing myself time to relax and spend time doing things that make me happy. Turns out the year flew by so fast I barely had time to focus on anything. It was full of ups and downs… big ups and big downs.
It’s time for a restart.
I’m still grieving, I’m still busy, I’m still unsure of what the future holds. But I’m still using 2023 as an excuse to restart and resume being kinder to myself.
For 2023 I’m bringing back the word of the year I used a few years ago, Growth. I want to use 2023 as a year to focus on growing, on looking after myself to the point I can improve and flourish. Doing things that increase happiness and joy in my life. Getting married, introducing a new puppy into our lives, growing my wee business.
“Growth - the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase.”
The previous time I focused on this word for the year I was really focusing on the big number increases but really it’s the gradual increase and the process of growing I should be focusing on.
So while yes I have some number goals to aim for within my newsletter and shop they’re not my sole focus. 2023 is for growing connections, for building more of a tiny community. To make things I enjoy and my community enjoy.
To follow with that if there’s anything you would like to see from me, whether that’s products, art, blog posts, or newsletter content, please let me know! Flick me an Instagram DM, comment on this post, or send me an email - I’m all ears!
Or even if there isn’t anything you want to see from me and you just want a chat, want someone to bounce ideas around with, someone to crit your WIPs? I’m here for that too!
I want to inspire you, I want to help you achieve your goals, I want to provide you with fun printables and products for your home.
I want to use 2023 to start sharing more of the process. I’m very much a perfectionist who struggles to share things on social media and the internet that aren’t perfect, ya feel me? But I want to be better, I want to share with you more of this growth process. I want to share more WIPs, more behind the scenes Stories, more ‘vloggy’ type videos on Reels/TikTok. Just bear with me.
Thanks 2022 but we’re moving on to hopefully bigger and happier things.
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