Sketchbook diaries Vol. 1

As part of my goals for the year, my word of the year was boost. I wanted to work on developing my skills, and one of those skills was my illustration skills.

I’m usually a digital first kinda gal, but recently I’ve dug out my sketchbook and have been getting physical! I’ve always had a handful of sketchbooks on hand that I’d dabble in every now and then, but it was never a habit or constant thing. I’d on the odd occasion bring one out and do a painting or sketch but never continuously enough to actually improve my skills.

Now I won’t brag and say I’m an amazing drawer, there are many thousands of people better than me with amazing talent and skill they’ve worked years and years on. But I’ve definitely been noticing some improvement on my skills recently!

I’m still no expert but this year I’ve been practicing more and wanted to share a few spreads that I’m happy with.


Hopefully I manage to build this into a habit that I can continue throughout the year (and beyond) and I can do a few catch-up sketchbook diaries here on the blog to show my progress. Fingers crossed - I want you guys to hold me accountable!