Some wee goals for 2020


In 2019 my goal was to ‘grow’; to improve my skills and take my plans to the next stage. Unfortunately, I lacked a lot of confidence in myself and my work and it took me way longer to launch this website than I planned.

It launched in November after a couple of years spent putting it off, which was a mixture of lack of confidence, unwilling to spend money on my work, and also a tiny bit of laziness not going to lie. 

But 2020 is all about working on that, now I’ve got over that first hurdle the rest should start slotting into place. My aim for this year is to ‘get stuck in’ which essentially means I want to stop planning to the point where I’m procrastinating the thing instead of doing it. I’m still a ball of uncertainty so not everything will run smoothly but I’m working on it and these blog posts are the first project that I launched without thinking too much. I was in Hollie’s (of Black and White Studios) Facebook Live just under 2 weeks ago considering starting blogging on here and now here we are! 

Mini goals

I'm a very big believer in yearly goals, but I'm also a big believer in only doing what you can manage. Each year I tend to plan out around 12 goals, ranging in size and focus, and year after year I learn more about making goals and actually achieving goals. I’ve found 12 goals to be the perfect amount for me and allows me to vaguely concentrate on one goal per month while still seeing the rest through. This year around half of my goals are creative-based, the others are more travel, money, and personal life themed. I wanted to share with you my creative goals so that you can hopefully keep me accountable. 

Release more products

I really loved making the products for my shop launch, and in particular, I really loved making the stickers. I’ve always loved stickers, and while I definitely have that indecisiveness of never knowing where to permanently stick them I love collecting them. But now I’m collecting my own designs! I do have another sticker that released just two days ago and an idea for a sticker sheet but I want to try and branch out from just prints and stickers this year. I want to try and produce an enamel pin and maybe a mug so watch this space!

Make dumplings and bake more

I don’t really enjoy cooking, I’m a sweet tooth so much prefer baking. However, I don’t do it often enough and really do need something creative to do that isn’t art related to get stuck into. I also really want to try making my own dumplings this year because they’re delicious.


Do a new thing

To tie in with my ‘get stuck in’ overall goal for the year I wanted to make one of my smaller goals do a new thing as I’ve always wanted to try out new hobbies like dance or musical theatre. I put it off frankly because I lack the confidence in starting a new group activity type thing alone. Hopefully, I’ll get up the courage to do one this year. If you’re in Wellington and want to do a thing hit me up!

Make a gif/stickers for Instagram

I always thought how cool it would be to have my own set of gif stickers to use on my Instagram stories and late last year I found out how to do it so keep an eye out on my Instagram stories as you may just be getting some snazzy new gifs to use!

Create more

A very broad generalised goal. I want to create a lot more, and not necessarily create a lot more for Instagram or here. Creating more for the fun of creating. 

Read 50 books

Of course, my usual Goodreads goal is on the list. In the past, I’ve increased the goal each year but this year has been the first year that I’ve kept it the same. I don’t like pressuring myself to read to reach a goal and I also don’t want to use up time I could spend on other projects forcing myself to reach a bigger goal. 50 is manageable, but still a decent number that it’s still a goal to reach.

If you have any book suggestions or products you’d like to see let me know below. 

- Sophie