Well, hello there. Welcome to the blog!



In case you haven’t read my about page yet, I’m Sophie. Hey, how are you doing?

I’m a hand lettering artist and illustrator living in little ol’ New Zealand, the land of the hobbits. I’d like to get honest with you right from the get-go. I don’t really like Lord of the Rings. I’m actually more of a Harry Potter fan, so if you want to have a good long chat about which of the Weasley twins are the best (spoiler, they’re both equally amazing) hit me up!   

But enough about Harry Potter…

I currently work full time as an in-house graphic designer in Wellington, while juggling many different side projects. I’m quite the fan of video games so I like to think about them as my side quests. As usually, that’s what I spend most of my time doing in games instead of fulfilling the actual main quest. I currently do book-related blogging on a couple of sites and also have a book-related podcast Rants and Reviews which I run with my friend Anjali. As well as that I also have my lettering and illustration Instagram and website where I post my work, and also run the wee shop full of stickers and prints. Plus I also write a monthly email newsletter - which you can sign up to here

So, really, what’s one more side quest on the pile right? What can I say, I just love side quests!


The ideal plan

While everything doesn’t always go according to plan, there’s always a stray monster or witch hiding around the corner, my goal is to bring you weekly blog posts! Articles consisting of all things creative; tutorials and guides on hand lettering, peeks into my bullet journal and how I keep organised, recommendations of Procreate brushes and lettering pens, as well as reviews of creative books I’ve read. And that should all be in the first two months!? 

Sound like a plan? Well, make sure you’re following me on Instagram @sofillyletters where I’ll post updates when new posts go live and sign up to the newsletter below where I’ll share roundups of the month’s posts. Or, just check back here every Thursday where there should be a lovely new post waiting for you!

When I’m not hitting up all these side quests I also like to binge-watch shows on Netflix and read a lot of trashy YA novels so if you have any recommendations for new shows or books let me know in the comments. 

- Sophie 

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