2020 goals review


Last year while the whole pandemic was happening was actually my best year in terms of achieving goals. When I launched my blog back in February 2020 I shared my creative goals for the year and how I planned to achieve them. So how did I do?

Release more products

So while I did release more products this year and I count this goal as complete I also wanted to include trying to make an enamel pin and a mug in those products. Enamel pins and mugs just didn’t pan out unfortunately, they’re still on my list of products to make in the future. But unfortunately, their cost means I’d have to buy more product that I would be able to sell, so are more of a future goal.

I released a whole new collection this year that people seem to really enjoy which is lovely. They’re all still available if you’d like to get your hands on any of the new collection.

Make dumplings and bake more

Well way to save a goal until as late as possible. I made my own dumplings on the 30th December, a bit late but I still managed it, and they taste pretty good to be honest with you. The baking on the other hand was way easier to get done especially with lockdown. Although I could’ve done without the major hunt for flour!

I joined the world in making banana bread/cake and I made flapjacks, brownies, and marshmallow Rice Krispie slice. The latter being exceptionally good and I’m totally making again! I also made Brad one of those Pinteresty chocolate cake with Kitkat around the outside and M&Ms on the top. Oh and plenty of Christmas cookies of course!

Do a new thing

I didn’t really have a big plan in mind for what new thing I could try, I thought maybe a dance class or musical theatre group. But I ended up doing one of my bigger life goals of doing a market, I tabled my art at Wellington Zinefest and it was scary but excellent! I’m really proud of myself for signing up and actually going through with it, you can read the full blog post if you want to know more about the day!

Make a gif/stickers for instagram

I was not at all sure if I was ever going to make this goal in time, mainly because I was waiting for months to be approved by GIPHY. Applications apparently took around two weeks before lockdown and throughout/after lockdown applications took months to be approved with everyone suddenly applying as they had so much time on their hands. But no matter, I did my waiting, 5 months of it, AND GIFS ARE HERE! I still only have the original gifs I applied with but I have so many plans for more, if you want to use them on Instagram just search Sofillyletters in the GIF search! Let me know if you have any requests.

Read 50 books

Around September I wasn’t sure at all if I was going to make this goal, I was 6 books behind and many busy weeks ahead of me but I did it! I managed 55 books in the end and I have some excellent book recommendations that I'll share with you in another blog post - keep an eye out!

Create more

This was one of the goals that didn't really have a definitive 'yes I've done this' type achievement. It's a bit of a personal opinion but I really do think I've created more during 2020. It definitely was an interesting year but working from home for a lot of the year really helped. Being able to create on my breaks instead of having to wait until I got home from work super tired meant I was able to make a lot more art.

Not only did I create my own monthly art challenge #AprilCreateDaily but I also participated in March Meet the Maker and Inktober so those months were full of creation. I also released the new collection in the shop that I put a lot of work into, including the pieces that didn't make the cut! Overall, it was a good year creation wise and I'm looking forward to working more on this goal in 2021.

How did your 2020 goals go?

- Sophie

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